As reselling becomes a large component of the luxury market, luxury brands devised different ways to limit the number of purchases for their products to increase exclusivity.
The latest fashion brand to do enforce certain measures is the French luxury house, Chanel. Starting this month, Chanel has officially changed its sale policy for its most popular handbags, the “Classic Flap Bag” and the “Coco Handle.” Each customer will only be allowed to purchase one of each of the handbags per year. A new policy was also put in place for their small leather goods products, limiting consumers to purchasing no more than two of the same product per year.
Though Chanel has raised the prices of its most popular products three times already this year, their handbags are still a hot commodity amongst fashion luxury buyers. Many consumers around the world queue at early hours in the morning to ensure they get a chance to make the purchases. Over the years, luxury brands have limited the number of handbags customers can buy in response to the number of resellers buying out stocks. Hermès recently also limited the number of bags their consumers can purchase as only one person can buy the same design twice a year.